The Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (SCAI) online website has launched a new feature – “Store”, a page that showcases several items such as Agtron numbers, posters, tasting spoons, coffee literature as well as Le Nez Du. Officially launched last Friday (February 17th 2012) at La Tazza Café, in Electronic City, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD). The prices offered are quite extensive – from the most affordable to the most expensive, such as the Flavor Wheel which is offered at Rp. 250,000 and Le Nez bottles package at Rp. 4,000,000. Unfortunately, SCAI hasn’t yet to display their phone number, so you can contact one of their staff members; Resianri Triane at 0813 952 51 300.

Other than the launching of the online store, SCAI also introduced Victor Kumesan, a coordinator for the “Seattle – Surabaya Sister City” organisation that helps to promote Indonesian coffee at the 24th Annual SCAA Exposition, held on 18-23 April 2012 in Portland, U.S. This event is one of the biggest events held by SCAA and it comprises the important players in the coffee industry, where coffee buyers and sellers from all over the world will unite.

According to Victor, whether or not an exhibition succeeds has nothing to do with the size of the booth, but it lies on how many contracts are signed. Victor also stresses on the importance of follow-ups after the exhibition has ended, and he gives his word that he willl make sure the Indonesian coffee producers acquire plenty of contracts from the event.

At SCAA Exposition, Victor has also prepared an “Indonesian Coffee Luncheon” that invites several important coffee executives from the States. From Indonesia itself, Victor expects the presence of important officials equal to Ambassadors as well as coffee exporters from the Association. Based on previous experience, Victor hopes that the presentation from Indonesia is prepared as good as possible, to attract the interest of the buyers there. And with that wish, it’s time to end the latest news from SCAI.

Toko online SCAI & Portland SCAA Exposition

Situs Asosiasi Kopi Spesial Indonesia atau Aksi meluncurkan fitur terbaru mereka “Store”, sebuah halaman yang berisi  berbagai item seperti Nomor Agtron, Poster, sendok uji cita rasa, literatur kopi, termasuk Le Nez Du. Secara resmi diluncurkan pada hari Jumat kemarin (17/2) di Cafe La Tazza, Electronic City, SCBD. Rentang harga dari yang termurah misalnya “Flavor Wheel” dijual 250 ribu hingga satu paket botol Le Nez dengan harga 4 juta rupiah. Nomor telepon SCAI di web mereka belum ter-mutakhirkan, jadi bisa menghubungi salah satu staff-nya Resianri Triane di nomor telepon : 0813 95251300.

Selain acara peluncuran online store, SCAI juga memperkenalkan Victor Kumesan, seorang pengurus pada organisasi Seattle-Surabaya Sister City yang akan membantu mempromosikan kopi Indonesia pada acara 24th Annual SCAA Exposition,  18-23 April di Portland Amerika. Acara ini merupakan salah satu event terbesar yang diadakan oleh Asosiasi Kopi Spesial Amerika (SCAA) yang berisi pameran para pemain di industri kopi dan tempat bertemunya para penjual dan pembeli dari berbagai belahan dunia.

Menurut Victor, ukuran sukses sebuah pameran bukan terletak pada besar kecilnya booth, tapi terletak pada berapa kontrak yang berhasil ditandatangani. Victor menekankan pentingnya tindak lanjut sesudah pameran berlangsung dan ia akan berupaya semaksimal mungkin membantu tim Indonesia mendapatkan kontrak dari Amerika.

Pada event SCAA Exposition tersebut, Victor telah mempersiapkan sebuah acara “Indonesia Coffee  Luncheon” yang rencananya dihadiri oleh para petinggi kopi di Amerika. Dari pihak Indonesia,  Victor mengharapkan kedatangan para pejabat tinggi setingkat Duta Besar, selain tentunya eksportir kopi, dan pihak Asosiasi. Berkaca dari pengalaman sebelumnya, Victor berharap agar presentasi Indonesia dibuat sebagus mungkin demi menarik minat para pembeli di sana.

Demikian kabar dari Asosiasi Kopi Spesial Indonesia.

5 replies
  1. Frederick
    Frederick says:

    Tolong tanya

    Untuk pengiriman JABODETABEK, berapa lama?
    Untuk payment bagaimana


  2. wargo
    wargo says:

    Website tidak bisa di buka pak Tony.


    SCAI … beberapa keluhan kalau bagian store agak susah dibuka …
    Harus di klik dua kali Mas, coba lagi.

  3. Wiliam Edison
    Wiliam Edison says:

    Mantap, semoga kopi Indonesia bisa laku banyak di acara akbar ini. Saya percaya kopi Indonesia.

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