A coffee shop equipped with a roasting machine? There are several of them, especially in Jakarta. But if the customers can choose their own coffee and ask for it to be roasted at the shop? Only at JH Coffee!. Located in the Grand Lucky supermarket, Jakarta Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD) area just to the left of the entrance. So if other cafe happens to own a roasting machine but only provide a certain coffee variant that have been processed before, JH Coffee at least gives the customers the freedom to choose their own coffee which will be roasted right in front of them. Interesting isn’t it?

Image 2: Roast Your Own at JH Coffee.

Choose your own raw coffee beans provided at JH and the magic machine will do the roasting-process. A kg of coffee beans will be sold for Rp. 125,000 and will produce approximately 800 gram after it’s roasted in this glass compartment.

It has only been operating for almost two years, but I expect JH Coffee has become one of the places for foreign workers in the SCBD especially from Japan and Korea, who are fond of the Toraja coffee. My opinion was justified by Ahmad Gusti (30th) a barista at JH Coffee who mentioned that they already had enough customers who favoured this coffee variant. Not only foreign male customers, but according to Gusti, even many foreign female customers buy coffee beans here or regularly come to this place.

If you intend to drop by at JH Coffee, in addition to roasting machines, the shelf on the left displays various state-of-the-art coffee brewing accessories; mocha pot, pour over, as well as a single espresso machine which is also displayed there. They don’t provide a lot of coffee beans variant, but enough to represent areas from all over Indonesia that produce specialty coffee, such as Lampung Robusta, Bali, and of course their personal favorite, the Toraja.

Image 3: Toraja, Bali, Lampung. If you prefer enjoying Toraja coffee, JH Coffee specially provides an Arabica variant from this region, as well as those from Bali and Robusta variant from Lampung.

The company that sponsored JH Coffee is Pod Indonesia , so don’t be surprised if a set of coffee machines that use the POD system is sold here with the price variation of 3 to 5 million rupiah. For those who do not know what is POD and how does the POD work, the images below can explain it briefly.

Opens daily from 10:00 until 22.00 and worth a shot if you are a fanatic Toraja coffee lover who vouch for excellent freshness from each seed. JH Coffll.

Image 4: POD. It’s round and it contains ground coffee that has been measured and solidified. Simply insert the ground coffee into the machine that has been equipped with a POD facility and the next process is just as simple as pressing a single button to produce a cup of coffee.


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JH Coffee

Coffee shop yang sudah dilengkapi dengan mesin roasting ? Cukup banyak bertebaran khususnya di Jakarta. Tapi kalau pengunjungnya bisa memilih kopi dan minta untuk di roast di coffee shop tersebut ? JH Coffee !. Berlokasi di dalam  pasar swalayan Grand Lucky, kawasan SCBD Jakarta tepat di sebelah kiri pintu masuk. Jadi kalau cafe lain yang kebetulan memiliki mesin roasting hanya menyediakan kopi yang sudah mereka proses sebelumnya, JH Coffee setidaknya memberikan kebebasan kepada pembeli untuk memilih sendiri kopi yang mereka inginkan dan akan langsung di roast di hadapan mereka. Menarik bukan ?

Berdiri sejak dua tahun lalu, tapi JH Coffee sudah saya perkirakan menjadi salah satu tempat buat para pekerja asing di kawasan SCBD khususnya dari Jepang dan Korea yang banyak menggemari kopi dari Toraja. Pendapat itu dibenarkan oleh Ahmad Gusti (30th) Barista di JH Coffee yang menyebutkan bahwa mereka sudah mempunyai cukup banyak pelanggan tetap yang khususnya kopi dari kawasan Timur Indonesia tersebut. Bukan hanya didominasi kaum pria, menurut Gusti, justru banyak juga perempuan asing yang membeli biji kopi atau secara teratur datang ke tempat ini.

Kalau Anda berkunjung ke JH Coffee, selain mesin roasting, di rak sebalah kiri terdapat berbagai aksesoris seduh berupa moka pot dengan desain modern, pour over,  termasuk satu buah mesin espresso yang dipajang di sini. Untuk biji kopi yang mereka sediakan memang variannya tidak terlalu banyak, tapi cukuplah mewakili seperti robusta Lampung, Bali, dan tentu saja Toraja, jagoan mereka.

Perusahaan yang menaungi JH Coffee adalah Pod Indonesia, jadi tidak heran kalau seperangkat mesin kopi yang menggunakan sistem POD dijual di sini dengan variasi harga 3 hingga 5 juta rupiah. Bagi yang belum tahu apa dan bagaimana POD, gambar di bawah bisa menjelaskannya secara singkat.

Buka setiap hari dari jam 09.00 hingga 22.00dan layak dicoba bagi Anda yang fanatik dengan kopi Toraja dan menginginkan kesegaran prima dari setiap bijinya. JH Coffee menyediakan itu semua.

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Image 5: Toraja POD. Several coffee machines equipped with POD and JH Coffee provides the coffee for Rp. 112,000 per 20 Pod. The machine themselves cost around Rp. 3 – 4 million rupiah.

Image 6: Eletta. There’s a pot for a pour over, a mocha pot, and the one shown above is an Eletta espresso machine, sold for Rp. 26,000,000.

Revised : Image 7: One coffee shop at Grand Lucky in Sudirman, JH Coffee also opens an outlet selling coffee at Soekarno Hatta airport and Harco Mangga Dua.

10 replies
  1. sutrisno
    sutrisno says:

    @pak toni: elettanya koq ngga dijajal skalian pak 🙂
    @pak gusti: itu mokapot elektrik ya pak?

    Cuma ngobrol aja, gak sempet nyoba alat dan kopinya.
    Menunggu ngobrol sama Putri Kopi 😀

  2. papa_sudais
    papa_sudais says:

    thank you all my guest, and i hope you happy to come here at JH Coffee have a nice day. 6 U5 TI

  3. Joe Sentoso
    Joe Sentoso says:

    Saya pernah coba minum kopi disini. Cara penyajian gula nya menurut saya keren.

    Setuju ! Membuat sensasi yang “lebih” saat menikmati kopi Toraja.

  4. Yugo Isal
    Yugo Isal says:

    Asik nih, bisa jadi tempat “belajar”. Cuma bahayanya, bisa beli barang ini dan itu, hehehe…

    Kalau ke sini jangan sama istri atau pasangannya Mas Yugo, supaya belanjanya lebih adem 😀

  5. Eddy
    Eddy says:

    Nice post Pak Toni.

    Saya ingin tanya Pak, mesin roasting yang mereka pakai ini nama nya apa yah Pak?

    Thank you Pak Toni.

    Hi Pak Eddy, kebetulan saya tidak menemukan merek mesin roasting ini.

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