Beberapa cafe di Jakarta sedang demam metode pour over atau kopi drip sebagai salah satu bentuk penyajian kopi yang mulai digemari di sini. French press memang cukup praktis, tapi tetap harus dibersihkan agar dapat digunakan kembali dengan sedikit resiko pecah bila tak hati2, tapi menyeduh dengan Hario Drip hanya tinggal membuang ampas kopi beserta filter kertasnya. Hanya saja, persiapannya sedikit memerlukan ketelitian karena beberapa rasio kopi dan air harus diukur dan ditimbang secara akurat. Cobalah dan rasakan bagaimana aroma kopi yang intense sejak proses pre inufusion berlangsung hingg air dituangkan dengan metode yang menjadi salah satu yang dibawa oleh  third wave movement. “Ready to cup Joe”

Selain alat penggiling kopi atau grinder, alat yang hampir selalu disebut disemua artikel di blog karena posisinya yang sangat fundamental, kita bisa membeli coffee drip di berbagai toko kopi. Terdapat berbagai macam merek, semuanya punya kelebihan dan kekurangan masing2 terutama dari segi kualitas bahan. Tapi sehari-hari saya tetap menggunakan merek Hario manakala ingin menyeduh kopi dengan metode ini. Sayang Hario yang berbahan keramik belum dijual di Indonesia, padahal selain lebih kokoh, material ini bisa menyimpan panas lebih lama dibanding dengan acrylic seperti model V60.

Drip harus dilengkapi dengan filter kertas, ada yang warna putih (sudah di bleach) dan kekuningan (non bleach).  Walau tidak di bleach atau diberikan zat kimia untuk pemutih, kertas tetap harus dibilas dengan air panas pada saat tahap persiapan nanti.

Ketiga dan tak kalah penting adalah timbangan digital, bisa didapatkan ditoko alat dan bahan kue dengan merek Tanita, Heles, dan Acis, dengan rentang harga 300-500 ribu, kecuali merek Digi Scale yang harganya satu juta ke atas. Mengapa perlu timbangan digital? Beberapa prosedur menyeduh kopi dengan pour over ada yang menggunakan sistem berat dan tentu saja harus diukur dengan sebuah timbangan.

Bersama Mirza dan pasangannya, Adi W. Taroperatjeka beserta istri Mia, kami mecoba metode ini dengan stand khusus yang dibuat oleh Adi. Terbuat dari stainless steel dengan ukuran panjang 51 cm x 20cm lebar, dan tinggi 25cm, dibuat khusus untuk para klien perusahaannya “Secangkir Kopi” dan juga untuk umum dengan harga 1.8 juta.

Ketiga dari kami punya sedikit metode yang berbeda terutama dalam masalah rasio jumlah kopi dan air, berikut cara pengukurannya. Mirza dan saya menggunakan timbangan digital sedangkan Adi dengan gelas ukur. Apapun caranya, acara kumpul ngopi dadakan ini berlangsung hingga jam 2 pagi sambil mencoba Black Cat Espresso dari Inteligentsia Coffee, kopi ganteng yang rasanya selalu membuat takjub, apapun metode seduhnya.

Selanjutnya,  saya menunggu cafe-cafe lainnya di Jakarta dan kota-kota untuk menggunakan metode ini. Berani coba ?

41 replies
  1. John
    John says:

    Kalau saya buat 12-14 gr dengan hasil seduh di 175 ml

    Pake hario ceramic 🙂

    Kalao mau beli stand dripper dimana yah? 🙂

    Tolong di email 😀

    Pake coffee origin toraja or bali mantap 😀


  2. Kassa A. Karman
    Kassa A. Karman says:

    Baru mencoba metode Pour ini dengan hario dan racikan kopi toraja 😀 Bellissima dan layak jual di warung saya….. 🙂

    PS: Kalau kapan2 ke Palu Sulawesi Tengah, silakan singgah di lapak kecil saya Pak Toni

  3. jeffry
    jeffry says:

    salam kenal kang tony,

    mau tanya dong,itu black cat espresso nya harus pesan dari luar yah?di jakarta ga ada yang jual?

    terima kasih sebelumnya 🙂

    Salam kenal juga.
    Saya “nitip” dari teman karena pengen nyoba si kucing hitam ini. Tapi yang “Honey Badger” aroma dan rasanya bukan main ….


  4. Zuli
    Zuli says:

    Wah seru juga ya ngomomgin soal kopi. Saya kira bikin kopi itu mudah, ternyata emang ‘mudah’ ha… ha… (becanda!). Buat Pak Toni, salam kenal dan terimakasih sudah mendedikasikan pengetahuan, waktu dan pengalamannya.

    Pengalaman saya soal meracik kopi cuma sebatas membuat kopi tubruk. Suatu saat saya mencoba ‘ritual’ membuat kopi dan saya posting di blog saya. Setelah saya membaca tulisan di blog Cikopi saya baru tau ternyata metode yang saya coba adalah Pour Over.

    Sekali lagi terimakasih telah menjadikan Cikopi sebagai referensi dan inspirasi khususnya buat saya dan penikmat kopi lainnya. Bravo dan maju terus buat Cikopi.

  5. budi
    budi says:

    @Enrico No worries. I’m also still learning. Sometimes my questions were challenging, but no offense intended. 🙂
    @HK pak Hendri, are you a psych? 😕

    @Adi Sure, it’s a heated debate. But we’ll keep it to be a “civilized debate” o:-)
    The mission stay to be "improving the taste on the cup"

  6. HK
    HK says:

    interesting topic that goes deeper and deeper. me likey… *nyatet* *belajar*

    *this post is written in Medan where Toni Wahid and I enjoy coffee, Medanese style, no rules, no parameters, just a good conversation over cups of coffee

  7. Adi W. Taroepratjeka
    Adi W. Taroepratjeka says:

    whooaa… pembicaraannya seru euy…

    I don’t have a v60 so i couldnt elaborate what’s d best way of doing it. what i have is several cheap 2 cup ceramic 3 hole dripper which I use in my small coffee shop.

    the rason why why like pourover method (whatever the drip filter holder type is) is because this method do single origin coffee justice. There’s no big pressure in it, and honestly, in this method, 1 or 2 C water temp differences, in my palate, doesnt really make that much difference in taste. (not flushing your filter enough or not let it pre-infuse first might do more harm)

    I was there when we do black cat as pourover (after playing with them in a couple espresso machine). After that first sip, my respect to the intelligentsia people grew tremendously. Black Cat, although dark roasted, and blend up for espresso machine, still taste incredibly good as a pourover. Because for me, creating a good espresso blend is a though project, let alone making it still taste good while being drunk as a whatever (wondering how it will taste as a tubruk hehehe)

    playing with the v-60 a couple of time making me think that this device is design to suit once palate (the japanese). I didnt say that other palate might not enjoy the brew made by using them, but some adjustment is needed (look at how the syphon method grew in d last couple of years)

    guys, v60 (or espresso machine, or mokapot) is just a brewing tool. to get to get your perfect cup, you have to fiddle with it yourself (your the only one who knows what spesific taste/style that you want). Jim, Nick, and all of those big coffee guys might tweak, twit, or publish whatever suit their palate. but is your palate the same with theirs?

    Lets discuss this over coffee lah… more fun hehehe.. and we can try whatever tweaks we can think of and see the taste differences

  8. Enrico
    Enrico says:

    Sir, I’d have to admit of not having the first hand experience in comparing the V-60 to the espresso machine results. I haven’t got the chance to do it.

    My highlighted point is still the “how the PRO view about it”. Maybe you’ve already define what “pro” really is… Then again maybe it’s me who’s still don’t get it.

  9. budi
    budi says:

    @Enrico Gooosh dude, that’s funny!
    I already clarified that I was wrong on source of the quote when I response to HK.
    But I stand by my remarks on “V-60 not so great” base on my own experience.
    And I did offered you to disprove my remarks base on your experience.
    You didn’t give direct response, instead you were side stepping and keep changing your talking point.

    And for anybody comment ,including Jim, I use word ‘listen’ not ‘follow’.
    It means I’ll make note & I’ll try it. After that, I could agree or maybe not.

    So, could you give examples of your best V-60 method? to make me change my mind (and Nick)? 🙂
    and as per your suggestion, this shouldn’t be other people story.
    I’m hoping a story about Enrico V-60; no Jim, no Nick, no Widya; only Enrico.
    First hand experience please 🙂
    Can I count on you this time?

  10. Enrico
    Enrico says:

    Menambahkan postingan dari Jim :

    “I’m not saying we should stop describing coffee – and I’m not saying that coffee isn’t more complex than an apple when it comes to flavours (though cider tasters/apple-focused flavorists may disagree). I just think it is worth remembering, from time to time, just how alien the idea of a flavour descriptor can be. ”

    Tasting for the sake of drinking it, or drinking for the sake of tasting it? Hard question for me…

  11. HK
    HK says:

    Kalo baca twit convo di atas sepertinya bakalan seru, James bakalan bikin portafilter yang berlubang sampai ke bagian dinding/pinggir, tebakan saya dia bakalan kerja sama lagi dengan Marco dari Uber Project, partner in crime nya untuk bikin Uber Boiler.

    sekedar info tambahan, twitter name di atas:

    jimseven –> James Hoffman (WBC Champion 2007)
    Nick Cho –> udah jelas si Nick Cho
    PruffrockCoffee –> Gwilym Davies ( WBC Champion 2009)

  12. HK
    HK says:

    Pak Enrico, salam kenal 🙂
    Sekedar informasi tambahan, Nick Cho sudah tidak menjadi bagian dari Murky Coffee, he filed for bankruptcy a while ago. Murky Coffee (kalo masih ada) sudah diambil alih/dijual. Saya pikir ini contoh salah satu kasus di mana seorang yang ‘master’ dalam hal kopi belum tentu sukses sebagai ‘enterpreneur’. Nick Cho sekarang bekerja sama dengan rekan baru nya menjalani Wrecking Ball Coffee di Washington DC, tapi sepertinya lebih sebagai barista trainer. Juga pernah baca sepertinya Nick Cho jadi anggota komite (certification comittee) di World Barista Championship.

  13. Enrico
    Enrico says:

    Thanks for the reply again, Pak Budi. Sorry if i’m getting OOT toward roasting, hehehe.

    If you’re still talking about Jim, I tried to chronicle the twitter debate about the V-60 :

    interesting! RT @3barrel: Coffee second only to oil?

    @jimseven @3barrel The next coffee myth that needs to be officially debunked: “V60 is good for making coffee” #boom #thatsrightisaidit

    @NickCho that’s like saying espresso machines suck cos most places serve 12s gushing evil espressos….

    @jimseven But what if 100% of places served those 12s shots? Wouldn’t that make you wonder?

    @NickCho did we serve you the equivalent of a 12s shot at penny uni? (Genuinely curious)

    @jimseven The better analogy is if there was espresso made with baskets with holes all over the entire basket. Is that gonna work?

    @NickCho @jimseven like a cloth filter?

    @PrufrockCoffee @jimseven Yep.

    @NickCho this is drifting off the original issue somewhat…

    @jimseven V60 is like espresso made with baskets that have holes up the sides.

    @NickCho you’ve given me an idea for a ridiculous experiment…

    @jimseven 1 more analogy: the best V60 brews I’ve tasted are like great music heard through speakers too small or cheap to do it justice

    So basically, James’s Penny Univ cafe only serve the customers with filter coffee-based beverages ( While Nicholas Cho from Murky Coffee is definitely on the different side of the road by saying (basically) “V60 sucks”.

    So is it correct if I assume you are using the Nick Cho’s argument as James’ argument?

    I think I’d put forth another argument put forth by the filter coffee “fans” (so to speak):
    You have to admit, not everybody owns a basic, home-purpose espresso machine at home. Its price tag is well in the dozens of millions of rupiah. So for everyday person who’s trying to convert themselves from a CDS-maniac towards specialty coffee drinker, what equipment they’d use?

    Well there are tubruk, french press, AND the filter coffee (from Hario V60, Melitta, etc). All those methods have their flaws and advantage, but one thing in common : you can brew good, and even GREAT coffee at home.

    Kembali lagi, bukankah rasa itu relatif?

  14. HK
    HK says:

    Pak Budi, sy tebak ‘someone’ nya: ibu negara/menteri keuangan 😀
    Beli mesin lever apa nih? Makin penasaran 😀
    DB nya sih Vivaldi II ya, enak? minat juga soalnya 😀

  15. budi
    budi says:

    @HK for PID is not hard. Last time, I just re-wire the kettle input cord to my old Silvia PID box and connect a thermocouple wire and put it inside the kettle. 🙂
    Just careful not to shock yourself 😀

  16. budi
    budi says:

    @Enrico First of all, I’m a bit curious, don’t you think we could drifting away from ‘brewing’ to ‘roasting’ topic?
    AFAIK Widya never “talk” about V-60 brewing method.

    Anyway, here’s my opinion.
    Sure, no difference between Jim & Widya if the definition of PRO is just they“doing something for a living”. 🙂

    For easy answer, I could easily justify that Jim was WBC 2007 champion and his beans wins 2007,2008,2009 WBC championship.
    But there are more important factors why Jim is one of my reference.
    Main reason is cause he’s
    publishing his works.
    Widya AFAIK never publish anything about coffee making.
    Other than that Jim explore the process from bean to cup.
    Widya AFAIK concentrating on the bean roasting.
    I guess nothings wrong, if I’m listening from somebody who’s explore more and willing to SHARE his knowledge.
    So I could try, proving and adapting his methods.

    It is as simple as, I just have different interest & different goal with what Widya might have.
    My interest is on brewing a cup of coffee, not roasting coffee beans.

    “Re-creating” the cupping notes is a guide for someone who is straight-drinker (no sugar, no artificial flavors) like me.
    It tell’s the intended / by-designed characters of the coffee bean when it was blended & roasted by the roaster.
    So I knew, when something bad come-up, the failure is mine or my method.


  17. budi
    budi says:

    @Bara I heard about cold brew, but never tried it.
    Some review said the coffee taste smooth and less acidic.
    But I can’t comment on it, I have no experience.

    Maybe it could be my next year project 😉
    Right now, I have to hit ‘Pause’ button 🙁
    I already got a TWO ‘yellow card’ after bought a DB this week and a lever espresso just 2 months ago.
    Can’t take another risk for a ‘cold war’ with someone 🙂
    If later I’m on the ‘Play’ mode again, I could learn some of your technique. 🙂


  18. Enrico
    Enrico says:

    @pak budi
    thanks for the reply. For me it’s not about the issue of “V60 is superior” or “V60 is better”. I’d highlight more on your remark : “how the PRO view about it”.

    I think amongst our various coffee culture, ranging from the instant coffee fan, the robusta-driven Caffeine Delivery System maniac (reminds me of the so-called Folgers era mentioned in American documentaries), up to the specialty coffee enthusiasts (well I think the ones who visits Cikopi in a regular basis are these people, hehehee), we cannot say that someone is a “true PRO” in something.

    For example, if I’m not wrong, Mr. Widyatama from Aroma kept his green bean for the average between 5-8 years. CMIIW, it will give some additional “cupping notes”, but will eliminate some of it. Does this make him “not a pro” in the coffee world?

    One additional question : do we really have to aim to “re-create the roaster cupping notes”? Is it the “true-est way”, so to speak?

  19. HK
    HK says:

    *wondering what James Hoffman up to with his Penny University brew bar*

    @Budi, boleh tau ‘good and great standard’ nya Pak Budi? cerita-cerita dong pak soal kopi apa yang terenak yang pernah Pak Budi minum, mulai dari origin/blend mana, roasting profile, alat seduhnya apa, gimana teknik seduhnya, suhu air, merek air (kalo bukan dr plumbing). Sepertinya rekan-rekan lain pasti juga tertarik dengan pengalaman ngopi Pak Budi. Penasaran juga mau liat kettle yg di PID nya nih, canggih amat, sy aja cuma bisa terlintas doang di pikiran.
    BTW, saya siap menampung V60 nya kalo boleh, daripada dibuang ke junkyard, sayang soalnya, mau beli aja harus nabung dulu, mungkin kalo alat kopi lainnya ga memenuhi standard dan mau dibuang juga siap nampung nih, kali-kali aja ada Vivaldi II dan mypressi 🙂

    Saya duluan dong ah yang dapat V60 … sambil ngarep bisa ke Penny 🙂

  20. Bara Putra
    Bara Putra says:

    @budi pak Budi sudah pernah coba metoda cold brew?

    Kopi direndam dalam air pada suhu biasa selama 12-24 jam (tergantung mau seberapa pekat).

    Hasilnya adalah sari dari kopi akan terekstrak dengan lembut mungkin cocok jika suka minum kopi dingin segar.

    Sekedar berbagi info.

  21. budi
    budi says:

    @HK thx, it was Nick not Jim.
    @Enrico I agree with the quote cause it backs up my experiences. I’m a sceptic, so word only is meaningless. For the past 6 months I have tried almost every possible variables for V-60; changing filters, beans,grind,timing, volume, even to PIDed my kettle. The coffee is good but not great.
    If you have better method, I’ll be a happy man to learn. You’ll be my hero, you’ll save my V-60 gear from journey to junkyard.

    IMO, any brew method that can re-create the roaster cupping notes is great method. Just for example if BlackCat label says “syrupy” “sweet” “hit of flower” do you get it with your brewing?
    And remember, when cupping they brewing coffee almost like mud-coffe (kopi tubruk).

  22. Enrico
    Enrico says:

    @pak budi
    Wah pak, soal Pro atau ngga, kembali lagi kan ke selera Pak. Apalagi bicara Indonesia yang masih ada kultur kopi2 warung, we also can’t do justice by maintaining one method is better than the other.

    Contoh postingan dari James Hoffman yg Bapak hormati itu :

    Bahkan dia pun ga bilang espresso lebih superior dari brewed coffee?? (walaupun metode bikin espresso juga dianggap brew sih kalo bicara gramatika bahasa)

  23. budi
    budi says:

    I know lot of you, so “excited” about this brewing method. But just to give how the PRO view about it, here a quote from James Hoffmann just 2 days ago:

    The best V60 brews I’ve tasted are like great music heard through speakers too small or cheap to do it justice

    and I think I have to agree with him.

  24. Levi Sianturi
    Levi Sianturi says:

    untuk light roasted bean, saya biasa pakai 14 gram untuk ±300 ml air. dan untuk membantu menghilangkan rasa kertas, saya membiarkan kertas di udara terbuka.. semakin lama semakin bagus. tentu tetap harus dibilas saat menyeduh.

  25. Bara Putra
    Bara Putra says:

    Kalo saya lebih suka pakai cara kombinasi resep kopi tubruk + dripper – Karena rasa kopi yang kuat dapat dan bebas ampas juga.

    Setelah kopi diseduh 3-4 menit di teko pirex baru tuang deh diatas dripper dg saringan untuk mendapatkan kopi tanpa ampasnya 🙂

  26. budi
    budi says:

    Goosssh, do u guys use BlackCat *Espresso* for pour-over??? A dark roast for pour over?
    I couldn’t imagine how it tasted, it’s a palate killer. 🙁
    I’ll run away if I see something like this.

  27. Lulu
    Lulu says:

    @Adi : Thanks sarannya Kang, udah dicoba dan berhasil hehehe 🙂
    Lain kali saya mau coba ah bikinnya pakai dudukan buatan kang Adi. Salute!

  28. elim
    elim says:

    beberapa kali saya mencoba metode pour over & vietnam drip, tp hasilnya kok aroma & rasa kopi tidak sekuat ketika saya memakai metode french press? padahal ukuran yg saya pakai sama 10/180, apakah memang begitu atau ada yg salah? mohon pencerahan dari para senior2 di dunia hitam, tq.

    Coba kurangi jumlah air, misalnya 150ml dan/atau giling kopi lebih halus.

  29. Enrico
    Enrico says:

    Tenang kang lulu, brikka lumayan sering dipake koq kalo di rumah (jakarta).

    Sekarang lagi banyak di surabaya, yayangku yang itu terpaksa ditinggal, ganti pacar saya yang sekarang pour over Melitta one hole. Saya baru dapet selingkuhan Daiso three hole, belum sempet coba :p

    Kalo logam, ada tuh cafe di amerika yang bikin cone logam saya liat videonya

  30. Adi W. Taroepratjeka
    Adi W. Taroepratjeka says:

    mencari filter kertas yang rasanya rada ilang setelah dibilas ternyata gak susah Lu, gua cukup bahagia pake punyanya klinpak (asal dibilas dulu ya)
    kalo ngebahas filter logam… ntar muncul lagi keributan soal material logam (emas vs SS vs apapun) dan tingkat kerapatan
    dengan kata lain… kalo udah rewel mah emang gak ada abisnya duit keluar kesitu huahahahah

  31. Lulu
    Lulu says:

    Oh iya, kok ga ada yang coba pakai saringan non-kertas? 🙂
    Kang Adi biasanya rewel dengan jejak rasa kertas dalam kopi.
    Sekarang saya pakai saringan dari semacam logam karena alasan rasa dan karena jauh beli saringan kertasnya kalau habis hehehe ;p

  32. Lulu
    Lulu says:

    Beuh, ini lidah-lidah terlatih berkumpul dan ngeluarin “jurus” masing masing hehehe 🙂
    Preferensi saya mah ada di 10 gr + 180 gr, mau dong kapan-kapan saya ikutan 😉

    @enrico : gimana brikka-nya? udah kangen mau pake lagi nih.

    Nice article kang Ton, sederhana namun informatif dan mengundang rasa ingin coba-coba 🙂

  33. Enrico
    Enrico says:

    Saya coba stick ke 60g/l hahaha! Masih belum bisa kontrol waktu pengademan dari mendidih+steeping time kopi pas dibasahi. Dan jangan2 Melitta emang ga bisa bikin kopinya “blooming”??

    Wah ada kopi dari Intelligentsia 😀

    Jangan lupa kang kalo sudah kadung tenggelam, beli coffee refractometer 😀 *grin*

  34. Adi W. Taroepratjeka
    Adi W. Taroepratjeka says:

    kemarin iseng bermain-main lagi. Ternyata… rasio Mirza memang menyenangkan euy, gak cuma body lebih naik, karakter flavor dan aromanya pun naik dengan signifikan. Tapi emang gak semua kopi bisa karena ada beberapa yang karakternya jadi terlalu preman.

    terus dari percobaan kemarin… untuk 1 sajian (kopi 10 gram), air 200 ml ketika dituang melalui bubuk kopi akan menghasilkan kopi sebanyak 150 ml dengan takaran berat 160 gr

    jadi untuk mendapatkan rasionya Mirza, gak butuh timbangan (kecuali emang berniat rewel banget) Pake gelas ukur aja cukup ternyata

  35. albertg
    albertg says:

    wah seru banget sampe jem 2 pagi, mulainya emang jam berapa Mas Toni? 🙂

    setelah baca ini jadi lebih pengen mainan lagi sama pour over method ini, gua sempet beli dan cobain 1-2 kali dan blon dapetin yg rasa enak, trus masuk lemari deh. banyak baca kaenya cocok untuk single origin coffee karena lebih clean taste nya dari espresso.

    yg gua pake Clever Coffee Driper and di jual oleh 5 Senses Roaster di Perth. ada article nya and a nice video on it, kalo boleh nanti gua post addressnya di sini.

    Hi Albert, kita mulai dari jam 9 malam. Kapan2 mau gabung ? 🙂
    Metode saya yang 8/130 sudah di post, tapi memang rasio kopi dan air solely personal preferences.

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  1. […] para penggemar metode seduh pour over dan terbisa menggunakan Hario V60 misalnya, terdapat alat baru untuk metode seduh ini, walau […]

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