Let’s take a look this little beautiful creature, a Miniature Dachshund dog, posing confidently in front of my camera and lighting. His name is Micah, owned by lovely couple Therry & Yefta who often visits my home knowing that I love to play with him. While he’s not my pet, luckily, we have built more than friendly relationship. Dachshund is known for protective instinct apart from his ability to to steal the hearts of everyone he meets and he certainly did with mine. I think our bond began when I started to pamper him with a bowl of latte at his first visit. The smell of coffee as I pulled espresso shot and frothed the milk began making him in joyous mood and wagging his tail furiously.

Can dogs drink coffee ? Not recommended for daily beverage as caffeine can affect their health, but moderately, with just less than 0.5oz coffee and a lot of milk will make him enjoy the rest of the day :). In doing so, I officially confer Micah, a Dachshund dog, a new mascot for this coffeelicious blog. Have a nice weekend ….

7 replies
  1. Angels
    Angels says:

    Hi Pak Toni, Apa kabar? 😀
    Saya jg punya dachshund mini di rumah & really likes drinking milk in the morning 😀 Belum pernah saya suruh cium2 bau kopi sih, kapan2 coba ah. Kayanya sih demen, orang jamu aja dia suka banget. hehehe

    Kabar baik Angels, terima kasih atas set-up blog saya ya. Kapan2 bawalah ke rumah saya, siapa tahu seneng kopi juga 🙂

  2. luvkatz
    luvkatz says:

    Really cute cute cute little mascot you got there 🙂 I love the way you took the photos.

    Proud as new mascot and my lucky char as well 🙂

  3. therry
    therry says:

    Toni, thank you so much for the lovely photos of Micah – we could never capture him as beautiful as you did. He looks like one of those champion dogs in glossy magazines 🙂

    I think Micah has already fallen in love with you the minute he saw you for the first time. See how protective he was when we brough him to your house, he was very, very territorial he even barked at your next door’s neighbour 😛

    One thing for sure, Micah is very picky about whom he likes and dislikes… and Micah loves you very much! 🙂

    It so nice being loved by him, my new guardian angel. Missed him dearly … looking forward to capturing his cute looks again and again Ther.

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