
To Java Raung’s Headquarter

Image 1: Bondowoso’s Deathly Gate. This historical monument commemorates the three railway carriages carrying 100 people suspected of being a rebel by the Dutch colonial government. Those people were taken from this city and transported…

Wanoja Priangan : Behind The Scene

Wanoja Priangan. Plantation owner: Yusri Variant: Si Petung and Java Raung Arabica Region: Bondowoso Regency, East Java Roaster: Roswell Coffee, Jl. Dadali 14, Bandung I hope the winners of the ‘Who Am I’ quiz have received the…

Java Raung, Si Petung, Kupi Gayo, & The Kiosk

Yusri, petani kopi Bondowoso sekilas punya kisah yang hampir mirip dengan Win Hasnawi dengan Qertoev-nya dari tanah Gayo. Keduanya terus melakukan pemasaran hasil gabah kopinya langsung kepada para pengguna di Jakarta dan kota-kota lainnya…