Serving hot cups of coffee is nothing special, but what if it’s served cold and brewed using a cold brewer? Miz Moren café might be the first one that specializes in cold brewed coffee as its main specialty, opened early February this year. Located at Mall of Indonesia’s soho complex in Kelapa Gading, Lee Jin Ho – the owner – offers all kinds of cold brewed coffee for coffee enthusiasts in Jakarta.

Image 2: Lee Jin Ho has operated Miz Moren at one of the old towns in Seoul for six years. He often appears on local television to share his enthusiasm in coffee, especially in cold brewing. You can see his shows that are played on Miz Moren’s television screens.

Lee had to spend a year studying about coffee in Kobe, Japan, before he set up Miz Moren in one of Seoul’s old towns – which was six years ago. Even though Miz Moren is equipped with an espresso machine, Lee trusts its operation to his Baristas. But Lee dedicates himself especially for making cold brewed coffee, which takes around 8 hours and uses equipment that looks more like a lab apparatus, and they are proudly displayed in his café.

He realizes that cold brewing is not that popular, especially in Jakarta, but he’s optimistic that it’s about to change real soon. Other than enjoying cold brewed coffee served in cups, Lee has also prepared cold brewed coffee in 700 ml bottles that he sells for Rp. 120,000 each.

Image 3: These are siphon brewers that I’ve discussed about in my previous posts. Lee Jin Ho specifically studied how to brew coffee using these brewing machines when he was in Japan, one of the countries where they’re very popular.

Apart from cold brewed coffee, Miz Moren also serves coffee brewed in siphons, one of the things that Lee had picked up while he was in Kobe. If you’re interested to try it on, you can see the water and coffee composition that Lee formulates for the siphons, and the Mocha Arabica coffee is one of the types of coffee he recommends. Another unusual attraction that you shouldn’t miss is the making of Café Au Lait – which is by lifting two small pots up high and pouring the content simultaneously into a glass, which reminds me of the Teh Tarik street vendors’ acrobatic syle.

Of course, Miz Moren does not only serve the coffee mentioned above – you can find Café Latte and Cappuccino here as well.

If tasting cold brewed coffee has piqued your interest, then by all means you shouldn’t miss Miz Moren.

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Image 4: The coffee ratio adopted by Lee to use a Syphon is 15 grams of coffee for 180 ml of water. The water is boiled first to acquire a shorter brewing time – 30 seconds – before it’s turned off.

Image 5: In tropical weather and higher temperature, Lee Jin Ho says it only takes 8 hours to achieve extraction, or two hours faster than he would if he were in Korea.

Image 6: Dutch Coffee. Usually served in a cup, this cold brewed coffee is also sold in 700 ml bottles for Rp. 120,000 each.

 Image 7: The unusual serving of Café au Lait; which is coffee with cold milk, is demonstrated by one of Miz Moren’s barista.

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Cold Brew di Miz Moren

Sajian kopi hitam panas tentu sudah lumrah, tapi jika dingin serta di seduh dengan menggunakan alat untuk cold brew ? Cafe Miz Moren boleh jadi cafe pertama yang punya spesialisasi menu kopi cold brew sebagai sajian utama di tempat yang baru dibuka sejak awal Februari tahun ini. Berlokasi di kawasan ruko Mall of Indonesia, Kelapa Gading, Lee Jin Ho, sang pemilik menawarkan menu kopi seduh dingin untuk publik pecinta kopi di Jakarta.

Lee harus menghabiskan waktu setahun untuk ngelmu kopi di Kobe, Jepang sebelum membuka Miz Moren di kawasan kota tua di Seoul yang usianya sudah menginjak enam tahun. Walau Miz Moren dilengkapi oleh mesin espresso, Lee mempercayakan pengoperasiannya kepada para Barista-nya. Tapi khusus untuk cold brew, Lee terjun langsung mempersiapkan pembuatan kopi ini yang memakan waktu sekitar 8 jam dengan alat yang menyerupai perlengkapan lab kimia yang ia pajang di cafe-nya.

Ia sadar bila cold brew belum populer khususnya di Jakarta, tapi ia optimis bahwa dalam waktu tak terlalu lama cara seduh ini akan semakin dikenal. Selain bisa dinikmati di Miz Moren, Lee sudah mempersiapkan menu cold brew dalam botol ukuran 700 ml yang ia banderol seharaga 120 ribu.

Selain cold brew, Miz Moren menyediakan sajian kopi yang diseduh dengan syphon, salah satu ilmu yang juga ia pelajari saat di Kobe. Bila tertarik untuk mencoba sendiri, Anda bisa melihat komposisi air dan jumlah kopi yang diracik Lee untuk alat syphon dan kopi “moka arabika” nya adalah salah satu yang ia jagokan untuk diseduh dengan alat ini. Oh ya, atraksi saat membuat “caffe au lait” dengan mengangkat dua teko kecil tingi-tinggi lalu menuangnya secara bersamaan ke dalam gelas mengingatkan akrobat yang biasa ditunjukan para pembuat teh tarik.

Tentu saja Miz Moren tidak hanya menyediakan menu kopi yang saya sebutkan di atas, beberapa kopi lain seperti cafe latte, cappuccino juga disediakan di sini.

Nah untuk Anda yang ingin bertualang merasakan kopi dingin ala cold brew, Miz Moren tempatnya.

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12 replies
  1. stockspoker
    stockspoker says:

    tempat ini mantep sekali guys, interiornya bagus, tempat nyaman. asli top bgt. sayang lokasi agak terpencil tapi kalau sudah pernah masuk pasti suka.

  2. herbert simanjuntak
    herbert simanjuntak says:

    mantap nih proses cold brewnya.
    paling mantap liat gambar terakhir 🙂

  3. Stacey
    Stacey says:

    I have been coming here to have my morning coffee for the past week since being referred to Miz Moren. You have to try this place. The coffee both cold and hot is amazing and authentic and with alot of great taste you would expect. Try their food and chocolates too…a great place with the fastest wifi internet in MOI available for free as you enjoy your drink.


  4. adamkuncoro
    adamkuncoro says:

    trio Barista di Miz Moren .
    Bisa jadi BoyBand nih kita kayak Westlife

  5. Qertoev Coffee gayo
    Qertoev Coffee gayo says:

    cold brew yg kaya punyanya stamptown amerika itu ya kang””

    Gak hafal sih … kapan kita ke kebun. Ayo janjian. 🙂

  6. Charles
    Charles says:

    Harus saya coba.
    Masih ingat terahkir Dutch coffee di Campos.

    Lingering Liquor effervescent

  7. hanzz
    hanzz says:

    oooh begini toh rasanya cold brew…
    unik, sayang setting harganya rada sedikit tinggi yah 🙂

  8. prast
    prast says:

    gak nyangka udah ada yang berani menyajikan cold brew mengingat prosesnya gak gampang & gak cepet

    thanks om Ton buat provokasinya 🙂

  9. fauzan
    fauzan says:

    Photo terakhir mengingatkan dengan gaya barista di waroeng2 kopi yang ada di aceh … hehhehehe …. yang membedakannya para barista di aceh menggunakan saringan 😀

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